
The Stress Less Activity Book

July 5, 2024

This week, I received beautiful copies of the puzzle book I worked on last summer for Summersdale: The Stress Less Activity Book. You’ll notice the name on the cover is not mine as it’s part of an in-house series. But if you look very carefully, you’ll see it near the top of the copyright page. The good news is that the publisher will be putting my name on the cover of the second puzzle book I’m working on now.


Wish You Were There? Of course!

May 6, 2024

And another Teen Breathe article published this month! “Wish You Were There?” discusses how to cope with the disappointment of missing out on an event you were looking forward to.

Double the Fun

March 16, 2024

Teen Breathe magazine published two of my articles in this month’s issue. “You Choose” describes how to make and use a pros-and-cons list while “What Will People Think?” explains what to do if you worry too much about other people’s opinions.

I Dont Care… Well, Not Really Actually!

January 11, 2024

I have another article published in Teen Breathe magazine this month! It’s called “I Don’t Care” and talks about how this expression can have different meanings and hide a mixture of emotions.

Your Passport to Canada

January 7, 2024

My nonfiction children’s book “Your Passport to Canada” published by Capstone is out now!

My fear of snow stopped me from running outside. Here’s how I regained my love of winter runs.

December 16, 2023

Another essay published in!

Pascale Duguay

Two More Articles in Teen Breathe Magazine

November 23, 2023

Two of my articles were published in Issue 45 of Teen Breathe this month: “Keep on Track” describes progress-charting strategies for ensuring things get done and “Tap Your Cares Away” explains how to use EFT tapping to stay calm during times of stress. These were written about six months ago, so it’s nice to finally see them in print!

Guilt Trip

August 22, 2023

I have a new article published in Teen Breathe magazine about guilt tripping and what to do if you’re made to feel bad for no good reason.

Exploring Envy

June 24, 2023

My article “Exploring Envy” is in the current issue of Teen Breathe magazine. It talks about the positive side of jealousy and what it can reveal about you.

Olivia Can’t Cook

April 30, 2023

My humorous story “Olivia Can’t Cook” is in the June issue of Highlights magazine.

Business Insider

April 7, 2023

Had a second essay published on this week! “My partner spent 3 weeks in the hospital. His roommate there turned out to be his best ally and helped him through.

Spot the Sparks

February 4, 2023

Here’s another of my articles published in Teen Breathe. “Spot the Sparks” explains how to keep track of all the ideas that come from journaling.

Kind Questions

October 29, 2022

My latest article “Kind Questions” is in Teen Breathe this month. It’s about helping others to feel heard.

Business Insider

October 4, 2022

My essay is up on “I got sent to my room when I asked my grandmother for money once, and that childhood rebuke shaped my finances for decades.” The title sums it up nicely!

On the Same Page

September 3, 2022

My article “On the Same Page” appears in Teen Breathe’s Issue 36 this month. It describes the benefits of reading with a friend—an activity I’ve happily done all my life!

Dream Team

July 22, 2022

Another beautiful issue of Teen Breathe containing one of my articles. “Dream Team” explores how to build your own support network and be there to support others when they need it.

When a Page a Day is Too Much

June 18, 2022

Woke up this morning to find that my article had been posted in Funds for Writers! If you need a bit of inspiration to keep going in difficult times, hope this helps.

Have No Fear of Heights

April 15, 2022

My latest article is out in Teen Breathe this month. “Have No Fear of Heights” talks about what makes us the height we are and encourages us to celebrate the height we’re meant to be.

My Itchy Vacation

February 25, 2022

Another story published in Bazoof magazine! This time it’s about how I came down with chicken pox while vacationing in Florida with my family when I was about 11 years old. I’m itchy just thinking about it!

February 23, 2022

This month’s issue of Teen Breathe features two of my articles: “Silver Linings” and “Feeling Stuck?”

Teen Breathe Preview

It Happened to Me

January 20, 2022

I received my copies of Bazoof magazine today, featuring a story I wrote about the first time I caught a fish as a kid.

How to Run an Empty Library

January 8, 2022

My personal essay is in this month’s issue of Our Times.

Two New Articles

August 13, 2021

This month, two of my articles appeared in Teen Breathe, Issue 28: “Creative Sparks” and “Positively Affirming.”

Great Strides

June 25, 2021

My latest article entitled “Great Strides” is in this month’s issue of Teen Breathe magazine.

How to Brainstorm Storylines Using Mind Mapping

May 4, 2021

My article “How to Brainstorm Storylines Using Mind Mapping” was published in my association’s newsletter, The SCBWI Bulletin, today!

A Perfect Match

February 22, 2021

My personal essay “A Perfect Match” was published in this month’s issue of Canadian Running.

A Perfect Match

Keeping It All Together

February 20, 2021

I received my contributor copies for the Feb/Mar issue of Brio containing my activity “Keeping It All Together”. Love the cover!

Latest Book

October 11, 2020

The last book I wrote for teens with intellectual disabilities is now available here. The animations and visuals are really neat!

Cover of my latest book

Some of My Books Are Ready!

June 24, 2020

Here’s the link to four of the five French books I worked over the past year for teens with intellectual disabilities (just click on the book covers to access the stories)

Although these books are meant to be fun, each has a different aim.

“Disparition à l’école secondaire La Tulipe” focuses on helping students learn to navigate and recognize the different areas of a school. As it’s a mystery, they also get to look for and connect the clues.

“Une journée de rêve” focuses on leisure activities, which in this case includes performing and sports. Readers will have a look behind the scenes of a TV set and a hockey team.

“Mon Mag” is all about personal care and well-being. It takes the form of a teen magazine and contains all sorts of hands-on activities such as cooking, fashion, hairstyling, fitness, crafts as well as tips, a quiz, and even jokes!

“La fête du quartier des Érables” will help readers locate things on a map while learning about key places within their communities.

I’ll let you know when the fifth one is available. 🙂

Book Project

December 15, 2019

Since July, I’ve been working on a French ebook project for teens with intellectual disabilities. There will be five books in all. I finally got to see the prototype of the first book yesterday. Pretty exciting stuff! I’m writing the fourth book right now, which is due soon. So back to work I go…

Guest Expert

August 25, 2019

I was the August guest expert for the Institute of Children’s Literature “The Writer’s Block” on making money writing for children’s magazines. Here’s an excerpt.

To Write Well, Learn from the Badminton Court

August 22, 2019

Here’s my latest essay published by the Quebec Writers’ Federation.
To write well learn from the badminton court

Fun Facts About Numbers: 0 to 10

August 1, 2019

My article “Fun Facts About Numbers: 0 to 10” is in issue 3 of Roar Kids magazine! See page 14.